LOUVRE MUSEUM – FRANCE Department of Near Eastern Antiquities Louvre


One of the most important exhibits of the Louvre Museum is located in the Department of Near Eastern Antiquities. It is an excellently preserved masterpiece dating from 2340 BC. The Ebih-Il statue was discovered at the archaeological site of Mari in Syria by French archaeologist André Parrot in 1933, during excavations that uncovered ancient temples in Mesopotamia. The faithful offered the gods a statue depicting themselves, as proof of their eternal loyalty.The challenge for FAOS was to present Ebih-Il in all its glory, but also to highlight the rest of the archaeological finds presented together. The showcase of the exhibition was constructed with attention to detail and with the use of special lighting equipment. The artifact seems to radiate light from within, and thanks to the use of almost invisible glass, every detail can be captured by the visitor's eyes.